The Irish Association for Infant Mental Health
Afiliated with the World Association for Infant Mental Health, I-AIMH is a non profit national organisation of professionals from a range of disciplines, who work with infants, toddlers and their families. I-AIMH’s mission is to raise awareness about the social and emotional development of babies and toddlers and the importance of early caregiving relationships including the role of families, community and culture. It also supports education, training, research, clinical practice and policy development in the area of infant mental health.
Infant mental health is an important, exciting and rapidly developing interdisciplinary field. Compelling research is now available to demonstrate that infancy is a critical period for psycho-social development and that positive experiences within baby’s first years of life can have lasting benefits across the lifespan.

Promoting early social and emotional development in babies and toddlers has a powerful impact on the establishment of healthy and secure attachment relationships. It also acts as significant protection against the development of childhood difficulties including emotional, social and behavioural issues and the impact of these adverse issues on later development.
support to those working with babies, toddlers and their families
Explore the IAIMH Network

Becoming a member is easy and will link you in with infant mental health news, training and events happening in Ireland and beyond. > More

Infant Mental Health Network Groups
Infant Mental Health Network Groups are to be found all over Ireland. These groups support the translation of infant mental health skills into frontline practice by offering continuous professional development. > More

I-AIMH Competencies
I-AIMH Competencies provide a professional framework for professionals to advance infant mental health knowledge, best practice skills and the development of reflective practice experiences within work settings across all sectors and disciplines working on promotion, prevention, treatment and intervention and policy. > More
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Latest News & Events
Endorsement Deep Dive & Exploration of the Competencies recordings now available
During Infant Mental Awareness Week we held two sessions with the Alliance for the Advancement of IMH on the process of IMH endorsement. The recordings from both webinars are now...
Read MoreIAIMH Gaza Palestine Statement
IAIMH Gaza Palestine statement May 2024
Read MoreJoint statement on the importance of a national Mother and Baby Unit (MBU)
Press Release April 2024
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Quid ex ea voluptate et
Certe, inquam, pertinax non intellegamus, tu tam inportuno tamque crudeli; sin, ut ipsi. Alii autem, quibus ego assentior, cum memoriter, tum etiam erga nos causae confidere.

Quid ex ea voluptate et
Certe, inquam, pertinax non intellegamus, tu tam inportuno tamque crudeli; sin, ut ipsi. Alii autem, quibus ego assentior, cum memoriter, tum etiam erga nos causae confidere.

Quid ex ea voluptate et
Certe, inquam, pertinax non intellegamus, tu tam inportuno tamque crudeli; sin, ut ipsi. Alii autem, quibus ego assentior, cum memoriter, tum etiam erga nos causae confidere.